Saturday, 25 October 2008

End of the Quarter

Whew! I made it through the first quarter. It was tough. I was out sick on Tuesday and I had to retake a math test. The problem is, we only have math every other day, and we had friday off. I had to take it after school while I was supposed to be at a yearbook staff meeting. I've also been trying to finish all these end of the quarter assignments and my homework, while trying to learn my lines for theatre arts. THERE ARE JUST NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY!!! But I made it. r u happy tash!! (she says I never post pics)


Salty Incisor said...

ooh so happy!! now post some more!! Had fun seeing you and Angel Hair oh and bonnie and claude hope you have a great weekend!!

Salty Incisor said...

your daddy bonnie & clyde but claude cuz its closer sounding 2 real life sorry bad sense of humor