Thursday, 31 July 2008

Broken Promise

It's been about 2 minutes and I have already broken my philosophical promise. Oh well. I am trying to make my blog more poetic so here is a poem about a broken promise:

A promise of yes that does turn to no, is a sad and painful review.

It runs through your mind, thoughts bad and unkind, self doubt displaces the truth.

You tend to accept your inner most faults instead of just looking toward pain.

You beat yourself down, your head to the ground the feeling just drives you insane.

So if you give your word, a promise to one, prepare to make it come true .

For if you turn sour, change your mind in the hour then you're painting the others world blue.

Overdoing It

Ok how do you like that I don't post for like 3 weeks, then I do 3 posts in one day. As my dad always says, "It's better to do 80% of the job 100% of the time than do 150% of it only 10% of the time. " Long story short, without the philosophy, don't overdo it. Or in other words, balance is key (also one of his philosophies). I will try to live by these philosophies when I am older, but until then, blog away!

Aww, how cute, I'm getting all poetic.

New Background

WOW, I posted two days in a row! Anyways due to the new background, the playlist and the hit counter got deleted. I had been meaning to update the playlist anyways, but (shocker!), I was too lazy. So I made a new playlist, put in a music video on the side panel, and there will no longer be a hit counter. If you have any ideas as to how to make the blog better, feel free to comment them.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Sorry I haven't written in a while (more like three weeks), but I have been really busy with volleyball camps. I've been exhausted and pained (is that a word?). I am in the process of letting my friend become a publisher but she is even more a slacker than I am (correct grammar? idk). Anyways, I also tried to get the cancun pics up again, but the computer like scheduled it or something, then it deleted itself. Long story short, I am to lazy to redo the page. We got a new copier, fax machine, scanner, so I might put some non-digital pics on. I have also discovered that my dad has 2 (that's two unopened) adobe photoshops so those might be used for pictures. I also got a webcam so now i can take random pics of myself. That was a lot of info, *wipes sweat off forehead* I think I will take a nap now. *laziness triumphs again*

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Sad Day for Purple Writing

I will no longer be writing in purple (or at least while i have this template) because it doesn't match anymore. It makes my blog look like a bruise. Therefore, I will now be writing in this color because I feel, it matches better.

You may now begin your mourning for purple. Start the eulogies......*painful funeral music in the background*

*sob* *sob* ;***(

Monday, 7 July 2008

work week

I have just heard recently (about a week ago) that they are considering changing the work week in Utah to only four days a week. (That's good news for u Bman.) They are considering doing this to conserve energy. I wish California would conserve energy in this way. Post your comments on this topic as it is my first news report type post.

I forgot

I forgot to mention that from now on, my croatian friend will be known as Croatia. Ok thanks.

blogger post

I really don't know what to post about so whatever. Here goes nothing. For the 4th of July I went to my cabin up near Yosemite. We hung out with our neighbors up there and we saw fireworks. I will put pictures of the fireworks tomorrow. I promise. I will push myself to put them on the computer. Ok so, my friend from Croatia (she came a year ago) is still stuck with her old lady Croatian fashion. We have set out to give her an Americanized makeover. It should be finished right before we enter eighth grade in the fall. This is going to be our best year ever, I can just tell. More later on how it is going. BTW, I will post a before and after picture of her.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Song and Skyscraper

It is special occasion so I am not writing in my usually font or purple coloring. I am writing about my new song on my blog. It is dedicated to my friend skyscraper (or skis). The song is being dedicated to her because it's from our favorite movie, Blades of Glory. Ehem, this is how Chazz sings it during the movie. You may recall: I don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you Jimmy and I don't wanna miss you JIMMY!!! Might I add that he sings very off key.

Skyscraper, congrats on going to high school. I see you still look like a 15 year old girl but not hot.

I'm out.

It is special occasion so I am not writing in my usually font or purple coloring. I am writing about my new song on my blog. It is dedicated to my friend skyscraper (or skis). The song is being dedicated to her because it's from our favorite movie, Blades of Glory. Ehem, this is how Chazz sings it during the movie. You may recall: I don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you Jimmy and I don't wanna miss you JIMMY!!! Might I add that he sings very off key.

Skyscraper, congrats on going to high school. I see you still look like a 15 year old girl but not hot.

I'm out.